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Infants & Pre-Toddlers

Kidzo does a lot more than just provide your infant with a loving and caring environment. We believe that a child is born ready to learn so our curriculum is designed with the children and educators in mind. Our well-trained educators provide them with activities that will stimulate infants' senses to encourage their mental and physical development as we offer a balance between educator-guided activities and child exploration.​

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toddlers & early pre-school

Day by day, week by week, and before you know it, a year has passed and our infants have matured and become toddlers. At this stage in their life, the young toddler must continue to be stimulated in every area of their life. We will continue to guide your little ones and stimulate their senses through daily activities. Our well trained educators provide them with activities that will help develop such skills as pushing and pulling objects, sorting objects by color, shape and size, and exploring the different concepts of big and little. ​

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The preschool child has reached many milestones and has become more confident, and should have developed to a point that they are ready for greater learning challenges. At this stage of development, we introduce more routines and structure to the children’s activities as we prepare them for Kindergarten. Although the child continues to explore independently, we initiate more teacher-guided activities as we introduce new concepts and skills in our creative curriculum.

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school age

Our before and after-school program children follow a regular, well-supervised schedule that includes indoor activities, outdoor play, homework time and a nutritious snack.  We include time for socializing, playing games and sports, doing arts and craft projects, dramatic play, puzzles and other age-appropriate activities