LAKEYIA WILKINS - Kidzo Portales director

Lakeyia Wilkins has an Associate’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. She is hoping to go back to school to obtain her Bachelor’s Degree in the field soon. She has 4 years of experience in childcare. She previously worked at Kidzo West as an educator for 2 1/2 years; then an opportunity opened for the director position in Portales, which she took on. She enjoys watching the children grow and develop in uniqueways. Outside of work, Lakeyia enjoys spending time with her fiancé Elias, and 2 sons Braylen and Na’vyin. A few of her hobbies include online shopping, playing board/card games, and attending her son’s sporting events.

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Jessica Espino- Kidzo west director

Jessica Espino has an Associate’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. She has 13 years of experience in child care. She worked at child care centers in El Paso, Texas (her home town), then moved to Clovis in Dec.-2015. She has worked at Kidzo since February 2016.  She has a teacher’s heart and enjoys working with children of all ages.  She enjoys spending time out-doors, watching new-release movies, baking, and spending quality time with her husband Kenny, and her two daughters, Belen and Ashanti.


cherry Johnson -Kidzo NORTH DIRECTOR

Cherry Johnson has 20+ years of experience in Early Childhood Education. She has been an elementary school librarian and is a certified Montessori teacher. Teaching Early Childhood Education is her passion. She is an avid reader, baker, animal advocate, and she enjoys spending time with her family.